Do You Drink Coffee or Tea in the Right Time?

Many people may have a cup of coffee or tea as their first thing in the morning. Actually, this is WRONG!!!

So when is the best time in a day to drink a coffee or tea if you want to keep awake and energetic? Let me start with some biology terms.

Our body is working based on circadian clock. Circadian clock is a 24 hour biological cycle that occurs within our body. It tells you when to wake, sleep, eat, and so forth.

Our body will produce cortisol at some certain points in circadian clock. It is a hormone that makes you awake and alert. level-changes                                      (photo credits to “I Love Coffee” by Ryoko Iwata)

Here is a chart that shows how your cortisol level change in a day. It is clear to see that the peak of cortisol release is around 8:00 a.m.

cortisoldiurnal                                                              (photo credits to Ergo-log.)

Production of cortisol means your body is naturally caffeinating itself. If you are drinking coffee or tea when your cortisol level are in peak, the effects of caffeine will be greatly diminished.

So if you want your coffee or tea to give you energy, the best time for drinking them is 9:30 to 11:30 in the morning.

best-time-to-drink-coffee                                         (photo credits to “I Love Coffee” by Ryoko Iwata.)

In order to decide which coffee shop you can go during the certain time, I list operation hours of some local coffee stores for you to look.







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